Hertfordshire Association of Parish Town Councils
We represent parish councils to district/borough, county, regional and national bodies and work to enhance communication with everyone within the Parish Council network.
We offer support, advice and training to our members.
HAPTC is a membership organisation financed by subscriptions from parish, community and town councils and parish meetings. We offer support, advice and training to our members to enable them to serve their communities to the best of their abilities. Our specialist field is in parish council law and procedure, but we can advise or signpost on a wide range of subjects including employment, financial controls, risk management, allotments, burial grounds, code of conduct, village greens and playgrounds.
We represent parish councils to district/borough, county, regional and national bodies and work to enhance communication with everyone within the Parish Council network.
As a membership association HAPTC is unable to deal with queries from members of the public, but is happy to make general information available through this website. Membership is open to any parish, community or town council or parish meeting which pays an annual subscription to the Association.

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Latest News

Permitted development – driveways replacing front gardens https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/permeable-surfacing-of-front-gardens-guidance/guidance-on-the-permeable-surfacing-of-front-gardens The Flood Risk Management Team at Hertfordshire County Council want to make councils aware of the exacerbation of flood issues from front gardens being replaced by hard-surfaced impermeable driveways, especially as road drainage is designed to accommodate water from the road surface […]
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Over the next 20 years, nearly 25% of the Hertfordshire population is set to be 65+. Zoom Webinar for Parish, Town and Community Councillors and Clerks (date/time tbc) How can your community become part of the AFH initiative to make this the best county in the UK to age in? […]
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Latest information bulletin for all member Councillors, Clerks, RFO and other staff available under Documents
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Please remember that any HAPTC Member Council can access the National Association of Local Councils’ members site. This contains legal information and updates for first-tier councils, and the latest policy and parliamentary news and briefings.
Members’ access is via a username and password. Please contact sue@haptc.org.uk if you don’t already have these details.