Training & Events
E-Learning Courses are available at any time and undertaken independently at your convenience. To sign-up please email Once processed you will receive joining instructions and your council will be issued with an invoice. Registration on this course will last 12 months.
Most are ÂŁ17/person/session and are available to members only.
Click here for demo It’s estimated that first aid could prevent as many as 150,000 deaths in the UK every year, yet around a quarter of us admit we’d be too scared to intervene. In truth, medical emergencies are frightening, and panic can take over. Have a think about how you […]
Freedom of Informationclick here for demo Being able to access information held by public authorities is an important right in an open society. Freedom of information makes our authorities more accountable in delivering public services, and stimulates public debate on issues that are important to everyone. Above all, it helps create an […]
Health & SafetyClick here for demo Main Features Keeping your employees healthy and safe should be a major consideration for your organisation; to comply with the Health and Safety legislation and to make sure you have happy and healthy employees. All incidents and injuries in the workplace affect the well-being of your […]
Home Working EssentialsClick here for demo More people than ever before have swapped their daily office commute for a shuffle down the hallway to a home-based workstation. It’s certainly a cultural shift! Trying to establish a productive work routine in the epicentre of our home lives can seem like an impossible task, […]
Human Factors Essentialsclick here for demo This 45 min course explores human error in the workplace. It looks at the types of errors we make, common ‘error traps’ that fall under four categories; Person, Equipment, Task and Environment (PETE), and the Human Performance (HuP) tools we can use to mitigate error traps […]
Information security awarenessClick here for a demo Information security is important for all organisations; your information is valuable and it is important it is kept safe. Understanding information security risks and how to minimise these are the first steps in keeping information safe. By making sure employees are aware of information security […]
Finance Webinars from Steve Parkinson
ÂŁ30; 1.5 hours
Session leader:Â Steve Parkinson, The Parkinson Partnership LLP
Steve is a former Town Clerk & an accountant with 30 years’ experience in public sector finance, who specialises in advice & training for the local council sector.
Sessions are interactive. You will need a device with a reasonable screen size such as a PC, laptop or tablet to be able to participate fully. Your booking confirmation will contain a link to the online event. Please ensure that you log in at least 10 minutes before the session starts, make sure that your screen name includes your first and last names.
This introductory session is FREE for inexperienced clerks of councils in membership of HAPTC in their year and is designed to give them an overview of a council’s year, along with a basic understanding of the RFO’s role. If you have 9 month’s experience or more, this session is unlikely […]
Budgeting for Clerks and Finance StaffThis session is seasonal and held in the autumn when budgets are set Course content When to start the budget-setting process The role of the Responsible Financial Officer and councillors in preparation of the budget How to go about preparing the budget and setting the precept Budget monitoring The importance […]
Finance for CouncillorsThis session is for councillors only and is designed to give them a greater understanding of their duties with regard to the council’s finances. Topics include: • Roles and responsibilities • setting a budget and precept • Financial control • The Annual Governance & Accountability Return • Internal and external […]
Internal ControlsThis session give councillors and clerks an understanding of the need for internal controls and how they work, with practical examples and case studies. Topics include: • Roles and responsibilities • Financial risks • Purpose of internal controls • Case studies • Examples of controls • Review of internal controls […]
Introduction to VATThis session is for clerks, finance staff and councillors. It explains how VAT rules affects local councils, focussing on those that are not VAT registered, but reclaim VAT using Form VAT126. Essential for any council contemplating major building projects. Alternative sessions are available in our programme for councils that are […]
Procurement Act 2023For anyone involved in procuring goods and services, preparing tenders or entering into contracts on behalf of local councils. Please note that on 12 September the Government decided to postpone implementation of this Act by 4 months, giving authorities more time to prepare for the changes and allowing the Government […]
Civility & Respect Webinars
The learning content, live workshop, and toolkits will enable participants to deal with various role-focused challenging situations and explore how we can work with others more effectively. We will consider different leadership styles and approaches in the context of your role, exploring which styles we personally ‘default’ to and which […]
Resilience and Emotional Intelligence for Councils and CouncillorsThis a practical workshop to help you thrive in your council role. We provide council officers and councillors with an understanding of where our behaviour comes from, we consider what resilience means in the context of our council roles and how to build emotional intelligence. We’ll explore council-focused scenarios and […]
Respectful & Positive Social Media for Councils and CouncillorsThe learning content, live workshop, and toolkits will enable participants to explore different methods and strategies for dealing with negative attacks on social media and ways in which they can keep control of our social media output. We will consider how we come across on social media as councils, as […]
Council Communications and Community Engagement webinars
Part 1: creating a communications strategy Every local council should have a communications strategy. It should set out its communications priorities, aims and goals. In this session, we will consider how your council could create an effective communication strategy. One that is sustainable and supports your council. A strategy that considers your council’s […]
Crisis communications for local councilsA crisis could strike at any point. Anything from flooding to a meeting going viral. There are many ways in which you could find yourself in the eye of the media storm. This session takes participants through the detail of preparing for any crisis. Passing on expert tips and guidance on being prepared. […]
Get the most from local and regional mediaLocal newspapers, magazines, regional TV, and radio offer local councils a way to communicate with residents. However, dealing with journalists and the media can be intimidating. In this session we will consider how to establish positive relationships with journalists. How to write impactful press releases. Ensure that your council gets regular and […]
Social Media and Digital Communications Webinars
Canva Part One – Getting Started Canva is a design tool that can be used for free. It allows you to quickly create posters, newsletters, and other physical documents. You can also create images and videos for social media and websites. This session is for people who have never used […]
Councillors: social media skillsIt has never been more important for councillors to understand social media. In the session we will go through the confusing world of social media communications. It is designed for both social media users and those new to it. During the session you will learn where to focus your time […]
Social media for councils: advanced strategiesCouncils often use different social media platforms to connect with the community. This session explores a wide range of social media platforms. There will be a focus on how to get the most from key social media platforms. Exploring the ways of ensuring that social media supports your council to […]
Social media for councils: getting startedSocial media is a great tool for councils to use to improve their communication. In this session you will learn the basics and how to get started right. We will focus on creating a social media strategy and the basics of Facebook. Our goal is to share with you time-saving […]
Interpersonal Skills Webinars
The effective chairing of meetings is a good skill for a councillor to have. This session is for councillors that have been recently elected. It is also aimed at those wanting a refresher. During the session we will consider how to effectively prepare for meetings. How to get the most […]
Dealing with difficult people and conversationsHandling professional relationships within local councils is critical. However, it can be tough dealing with challenging people and situations. In this session, we discuss practical techniques for managing difficult conversations and situations
Data Protection and FOI Webinars
Councillors: data protection training It’s important for any councillor to grasp how data protection laws relate to your role. This is true for new as well as longer serving councillors. This session clarifies a councillor’s legal responsibilities to themself and the council. We will guide you on the right procedures and best […]
Freedom of Information for councilsThis course examines the obligations of local councils regarding Freedom of Information (FOI). We discuss the necessary policies and procedures. How your council could ensure awareness among officers and councillors about FOI. Consider the steps to follow when managing an FOI request including the use of exemptions.
Webinars available for the Council as a whole; these cannot be attended by individuals independently
This session is all about the practical application of accessibility, and will provide you with an understanding of the application of accessibility from the perspective of a local council. We will teach you how to create accessible documents, content and multimedia for use for use throughout the work of your […]
Equality, diversity and inclusion for councilsThe steps your parish or town council can take to embrace and strengthen equality, diversity and inclusion. This session will focus on understanding protected characteristics, the difference between direct and indirect discrimination and the definitions of equality, diversity and inclusion – and how the relate to the internal and external […]
Improving internal council communicationsEffective internal communication is the cornerstone of good council operations, yet ensuring the sustainability of good internal communication can be a challenge. This session explores strategies to identify gaps and challenges and ways to build more positive and outcome-focused communications between Members and Officers.
The following is a list of the basic core courses that HAPTC puts on at various times.
This course has 2 sessions: 1. Governance 2. Finance To de-mystify internal audit and the annual internal audit report Annual Governance Statement (section 1) – can you tick “yes”? To share “best practice” and consider how we can address any concerns that you might have To provide a directory for […]
Agendas and MinutesThe purpose of agendas & minutes The importance of a detailed agenda Best practice in creating agendas & minutes How to create first class agendas & minutes How to handle confidential business Freedom of Information implications Retention of records & archiving
Basic Councillor TrainingWho should attend? All Councillors, both new into the role, or wishing to update and renew their knowledge. Who is your trainer? HAPTC, winner of the NALC “Outstanding Project of The Year” Award 2015 for the Clerk’s Leadership Programme. Carina Helmn – County Officer, HAPTC Carina has worked within the […]
Cancellation Policy
Please inform us immediately if you are unable to attend; there might be a reserve list. Member cancellations within 48 hours (2 full working days) of the course will be invoiced in full; non-members must give at least a full working week notice. This is to cover preparation and other costs (any handouts will be posted to the Clerk). You are of course welcome to find someone else to take your place. If we are able to reallocate at late notice we will inform you that the invoice is void.
Bespoke Sessions Tailored for you Council
These are tailored to meet the needs of your council and are delivered to your councillors together:
Member Councils ÂŁ250 for half-day, ÂŁ450 full-day
Non-Member Councils and External organisations ÂŁ625 half-day, ÂŁ1,125 full-day
Topics include, but please ask if you have any other requirements:
- Business Planning
- Councillor Training
- General Power Of Competence Training
- Staffing and Recruitment
- Neighbourhood Planning
Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA)
The Certification in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) can be taken by anyone, but is primarily aimed at parish and town council clerks. For details of sessions currently available, see the HAPTC electronic bulletin or contact the office
What are the benefits of the CiLCA?
- It is a professional qualification for the Parish and Town Council sector
- Once achieved, it does not have to be re-taken or reviewed
- It is the most significant, readily accessible and nationally recognised qualification aimed at the local council level officers
- It is increasingly expected by councils as they recognise that a CiLCA qualified clerk is more likely to have the knowledge and competency required to give them the support the council deserves
- It develops knowledge, administrative skills, precision of thinking and presentation skills which help a clerk to perform confidently and competently across a range of council tasks
- It is a significant level 3 qualification (described as like an A level) which helps current council employers and creates employment opportunities
- A CilCA qualified clerk contributes to the council’s eligibility for the General Power of Competence
- Having a CiLCA qualified clerk helps a council to achieve the Quality or Quality Gold levels of the Local Council Award Scheme.
Introduction to Local Council Administration
SLCC Courses for Clerks
For further details, please contact the SLCC Hertfordshire Branch Secretary or see the national website:
HAPTC carefully selects speakers at its events in the belief that they will present accurate, reliable and appropriate information and views. Unless specifically stated, HAPTC does not necessarily endorse, approve, guarantee or certify the accuracy, reliability, appropriateness or other aspect of the information and views of speakers. Any opinions provided by the speaker do not necessarily represent the views of HAPTC or its members. Reference to any specific commercial product, process or service by trade name, trade mark or otherwise does not imply or constitute an endorsement, recommendation or other support from HAPTC or its members.